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Graeme Byrd's thoughts, stories and adventures. Lessons from life.

#decarbonization - building partnerships for SINAI

Graeme Byrd

There are moments in life when everything aligns—purpose, passion, and opportunity—and this is one of those moments for me. I’m excited to announce that I’m joining SINAI Technologies as Head of Partnerships, embarking on a journey with a company that’s not just transforming businesses but also shaping the future of our planet.


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Leveraging the IB learner profile in business and partnerships

Graeme Byrd

Recently I was at the International School of Portland Board of Trustees meeting and we had a discussion around the IB Learners Profile. (ISP has been an IB World School since March 2010 and was the first school in the Pacific Northwest authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP).)

Have you read the IB Learners Profile? It has gotten me thinking. If we are helping our children strive to live by these, how could we focus on them in business?

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Touring International School of Portland with Rep. Grayber

Graeme Byrd

Had a great time last week giving Rep. Dacia Grayber a tour of the International School of Portland - a 400 student International Baccalaureate (IB) school in the heart of Portland, OR. The school offers immersion programs in Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese, and has teachers from over 17 countries. It is part of the IB culture of the school that students have a global perspective and take action to help make the world a better place, both locally and beyond.

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Happy to join the Pulsar Platform team!

Graeme Byrd

With the start of the Jewish New Year (Shana Tova) it is a good time to start a new chapter in my journey, so I’ve joined the Pulsar Platform team as the Head of Agency Partnerships - Americas. Pulsar Platform is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Access Intelligence PLC.

It is a very exciting time to join the team since the Access Intelligence family grew this past week with the acquisition of iSentia (Announcement).

My LinkedIn post:

Now it is time to grow Pulsar on this side of the pond. Onward and upward.