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Graeme Byrd's thoughts, stories and adventures. Lessons from life.

Once an owl, always an owl

Graeme Byrd


After 6 years I closed my Hootsuite laptop for the last time. What a journey. I joined the company after moving to Vancouver, BC to help build my own community in that city. I got far more than I asked for. Yes, while I was part of an amazing team in Vancouver, I built a community around the world as I worked with Owls and partners globally.

In addition to making friends all over the world and growing professionally, the most important thing - once an owl, always an owl.

I look forward to travel resuming and the opportunity to see these friends again.

As I reminisce and look over all the photos from travels and gatherings, I found my first day photo. A lot has changed in 6 years.

While it was hard to close the computer for the last time, it is exciting to prepare for a new chapter.

Happy 80th Birthday Bob!

Graeme Byrd

May 24th. Bob Dylan’s Birthday. And this year he is celebrating 80 years (almost 60 years since his first album).

Every year on this day it is a moment of celebration and reflection for me. This year is especially emotional as it is my first Bob Day (as I call it) without texts, emails and calls with my father.  

The concerts. The hours of listening to albums (official and bootlegs). Dicussing the lyrics (and their importance in history) with my dad. I miss those moments.

Happy Birthday Bob! Thank you for bringing so much to my life. Who would have thought 30 years after my first concert my son and I would be listening to your music.

I raise a glass of Heaven’s Door Whiskey in your honour. 

#NeverForget - International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Graeme Byrd

#NeverForget - I always thought this was a powerful statement. And on this International Holocaust Remembrance Day I'm feeling it more than ever before because of the actions of the current US President - from building a wall between the United States and Mexico to the suspension of refugees and immigrants from Muslim countries.

January 27 is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. This is a day we remember the 6 million Jews and the 5 million others. A horrific genocide. As we say #NeverForget, we’ve also said #NeverAgain, but it has happened again - Cambodia, Darfur, Rwanda, Bosnia. And it is still happening.

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Cold as...

Graeme Byrd

There has been ice on the ground in Vancouver for weeks and the temperatures have remained below freezing most of the time (currently the thermometer shows 1°C / 34°F - so just above freezing). It has been beautiful - some of the best skiing I've ever had at Whistler due to the great snow. And the clear skies over the city have created spectacular views...but I just can't get Paul Kelly's song out of my head...Cold as Canada.

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From poet laureate of rock 'n' roll to Nobel laureate - Bob Dylan

Graeme Byrd

While I first saw Bob Dylan in concert in 1991 (at San Jose State University), It was in 1997, when I was in high school, that Bob Dylan was the subject of two school projects - one in my English class and the other in my US History class. That was the first time I listened to all of Dylan's official recordings in chronological order (and of course added in a number of bootlegs). It was that experience which educated me on the impact he had on American history. I fell in love with his music and gained a deeper appreciation of how one man, one voice, can influence movements. It was also in 1997 when I was extensively researching Bob Dylan, that I first read letters and articles explaining how he should receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

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